How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes: Tips and Tricks You Need to Know

Makeup brushes are an essential tool for any beauty lover. They help us apply makeup more precisely, blend colors seamlessly, and create beautiful looks. However, as we use them, makeup brushes collect dirt, oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells, which can cause breakouts and affect the performance of the brushes. Therefore, it’s crucial to clean them regularly.

In this article, we’ll answer some of the most commonly asked questions about how to clean makeup brushes.


How Often Should You Clean Your Makeup Brushes?

The frequency of cleaning your makeup brushes depends on how often you use them. If you use your brushes every day, they should be cleaned at least once a week. For those who use their brushes less frequently, once every two weeks should suffice.

If you have sensitive skin or acne-prone skin, it’s best to clean your brushes more frequently to prevent bacteria build-up.

What’s the Right Way to Clean Makeup Brushes?

To clean your makeup brushes, you’ll need a few essential tools: a shallow bowl, a gentle cleanser (such as baby shampoo or a specialized makeup brush cleaner), and a clean, dry towel.

Begin by running your brush under lukewarm water, being careful not to soak the bristles, as this can loosen the glue that holds them in place.

Add a small amount of your chosen cleanser to the bowl and swirl the brush around in the solution, being careful not to damage the bristles.

Rinse the brush thoroughly, making sure to remove all soap residue, and gently squeeze out any excess water. Finally, lay the brush flat on the towel and allow it to air-dry overnight.

What About Brush-Cleaning Tools?

There are a variety of brush-cleaning tools available on the market, from silicone mats to textured sponges. While these tools can be helpful, they’re not always necessary.

In fact, Troy Surrat – a celebrity makeup artist- prefers to use his hands and cleaners to clean his makeup brushes.

However, if you do choose to invest in a cleaning tool, make sure to choose one that’s gentle and won’t damage your brushes.

When Is It Time to Throw Away a Makeup Brush?

While quality makeup brushes can last for years, they do eventually wear out and need to be replaced. If you notice that your brush sheds more frequently or feels scratchy against your skin, it may be time to invest in a new one

Additionally, if you’ve been sick or have had an eye infection, it’s best to throw out any brushes you used during that time to prevent the spread of bacteria.

What Should You Not Clean Makeup Brushes With?

While it may be tempting to use household cleaning products like vinegar or bleach to clean your makeup brushes, these solutions can be harsh and damaging to the delicate bristles.

Stick to using a gentle cleanser specifically designed for makeup brushes, or opt for a natural solution like olive oil and dish soap.

What Household Products Can You Use to Clean Makeup Brushes?

If you’re looking for a more natural way to clean your makeup brushes, there are a few household products that can get the job done.

One of the most popular options is a combination of olive oil and dish soap, which is gentle yet effective at removing makeup residue and bacteria.

Another option is apple cider vinegar, which can help disinfect your brushes and leave.

Choosing the Right Makeup Brush Cleansers for Your Skin Type

Below, we have shown the different cleansers you can opt for depending on the cleansers’ key features and your skin type.

Skin TypeKey Features of Makeup Brush Cleansers
Normal SkinGentle, non-drying formulas with natural ingredients that won’t strip the skin’s natural oils.
Oily SkinOil-absorbing and mattifying cleansers that can effectively remove oil-based makeup products without leaving a residue. Look for products containing salicylic acid or tea tree oil.
Dry SkinMoisturizing and hydrating cleansers that won’t strip the skin of its natural oils. Look for products containing ingredients like glycerin, aloe vera, or chamomile.
Combination SkinBalancing cleansers that can effectively cleanse the skin without drying it out or making it feel greasy. Look for products containing gentle exfoliants like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs).
Sensitive SkinFragrance-free, hypoallergenic cleansers that are gentle and won’t cause irritation or breakouts. Look for products containing soothing ingredients like chamomile, oatmeal, or aloe vera.

It’s important to note that while certain cleansers may be better suited for certain skin types, ultimately it’s up to personal preference and what works best for the individual.

What is the Best Way to Clean and Dry Makeup Brushes?

The best way to clean your makeup brushes is by using a gentle brush cleaner and warm water. Start by wetting the bristles of your brush under warm water.

Then, add a small amount of brush cleaner to your hand or brush cleaning mat and swirl the brush around in the solution.

Rinse the brush under running water until the water runs clear, then gently squeeze out any excess water and reshape the bristles.

Finally, lay the brush flat to dry, with the bristles hanging off the edge of a counter to prevent them from getting misshapen.

Can I Soak Makeup Brushes?

Soaking your makeup brushes can be a helpful way to loosen up stubborn makeup residue. However, it’s important to use caution when doing so. You should try to avoid soaking brushes with wooden handles or using hot water, as this can cause the glue that holds the bristles in place to loosen.

Instead, use warm water and a gentle brush cleaner to clean your brushes, or if you must soak them, do so for only a few minutes at a time.

Can I Clean Makeup Brushes with Face Wash?

While using face wash may seem like an easy solution to cleaning your brushes, it’s not recommended.

Face wash is not formulated for cleaning makeup brushes, and it may leave behind residue that can clog the bristles or cause them to become stiff. Instead, use a gentle brush cleaner that is specifically designed for cleaning makeup brushes.

Keeping your makeup brushes clean and dry is essential to maintaining their quality and prolonging their lifespan.

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