A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Apply False Eyelashes (and How to Remove Them)

An awakened eye makeup look is just a false lash away. This might be an observation of personal addiction towards false lashes, but as long as it does no harm, I will proudly continue to put the lash glue on the foxy false eyelashes strip I just bought myself.

Along with the fanciness false lashes come with, they might also be annoying at first. Especially when you’ve just finished that whole time-consuming baking routine, and you managed to blend out all the layers of your favorite concealer to just come at this one point – the false lashes not sticking to the lash line. 

As with almost every other makeup step, this is a process. Pressure aside, the best of it all is that applying false lashes is super easy and it takes just a few minutes to do it. Keep scrolling and witnessing a step-by-step tutorial on how you can layer a pair of beautiful, heavenly wings on your eyes. 

1. Choose the Right Pair of Fake Lashes 

There is a false lash for every occasion. Every single one. Date night? You should grab the most dramatic set of eyelashes. Groceries? Pick the cluster individual lashes, assuring you’re the main character. Out for a walk? Get yourself a pair of individual lashes just in case you run into that particular someone *someone also being a mirror* (no pun intended).

With all the abundance of shapes and variety of options fake lashes are just fascinating. 

  • Individual lashes can create the appearance of eyelash extensions. They’re super delicate but also offer a very flawless look. For symmetry reasons, you may want to apply an individual lash separately, beginning with one eye and then the other, rather than finishing the application on one eye first and then repeating the whole process all over again on the other eye. 
  • You probably would want to match your lashes with your eye shape, so if you want to get more playful and manipulate through the application, you can choose cluster individual false lashes. With these, you can put as many sets as you want. They’re very flexible and natural. 
  • Using a full strip of eyelashes may have its limitations, because you don’t know how precisely everything will end up, but anyway, as long as it is of high value and it gives what it’s supposed to give, it will end up looking just perfect. 

2. Measuring and Trimming Down the Lash 

Before applying any glue, you want to make sure the lash fits the lash line accordingly. Also, it is worth of mention to say that you should not put false eyelashes too close to your inner eye corners of your eyes, it’s way too uncomfortable.

You should always trim from up to the bottom of the strip.

3. Twirl things up 

False lashes might be used to the shape of their packaging, so you should twirl them for more flexible use. You can use your finger or a brush, or simply rotate the strip of the eyelash so it suits your lash line about just right. 

4. Putting the Lash Glue on the False Eyelashes 

Once you feel comfortable after measuring the lash, you can take your lash glue and apply one layer of it on the eyelash strip. The glue is supposed to dry a little before applying the lash to your eye. You can get a blow dryer or even a fan until the glue becomes tacky, indicating that the lash is ready for application.

5. Applying Your False Eyelash on Your Lash Line 

This is that one significant step. You can take the false lash with your hands or your tweezer and start applying it along the entire length of your lash line.

If you’re going for a full strip of eyelash, apply the middle and the edge part of the eyelash first, going towards the inner corners. The same thing goes for individual eyelashes too, although you can rock a fake eyelash look without getting to the inner lash line.

Your false lash strip should be as near as possible to your natural lash line, so a pinching motion with your fingers or tweezer (be careful) mixes up your natural lashes and the fake ones, making the look end up seamless. Mascara, too, would be a great step for that extra raw volume. 

6. Drawing an Eyeliner 

Eyeliner and fake lashes are a match made in heaven, and once you get that splendid look they offer when applied together, it seems like only a sinner would use them separately. 

When drawing an eyeliner with fake lashes on, you first start from your inner lid, creating a thin line, and while going up to the outer corner you fill up any space between the eyelash strip and the lash line. Make sure you don’t put your eyeliner above the lash strip.

A cute wing wouldn’t mess things up either. 

7. When the Party’s Over

After you have your fun, and you’re over your false lash look (unlikely to happen), you can get a q tip and some makeup remover to simply start rubbing it on your lash line as the glue comes off.  

Since false eyelashes are not single use, you can also remove the left glue, if any, with your fingers and they’re just as ready to go through the same steps we just discussed all over again for another glam night!


How to Clean False Lashes?

To clean false lashes:

  1. Remove excess glue.
  2. Soak lashes in makeup remover.
  3. Gently clean lashes with a cotton swab.
  4. Rinse lashes with water.
  5. Air dry on tissue.
  6. Store in original packaging.

Regular cleaning of false lashes ensures longevity and hygiene.

How to Apply Individual Lashes?

To apply individual lashes:

  1. Curl your natural lashes and apply mascara.
  2. Apply a small amount of lash adhesive to the individual lash.
  3. Place the individual lash close to your natural lash line.
  4. Press and hold for a few seconds to secure.
  5. Repeat for desired fullness.
  6. Optional: Apply mascara and curl for further blending.

Take your time and be precise for a seamless and natural look.

Can False Lashes Look Natural?

Yes, false lashes can absolutely look natural when chosen and applied correctly. Opt for lashes that mimic the length, thickness, and shape of your natural lashes. Additionally, ensure proper placement along the lash line, using a good adhesive and gently blending them with your natural lashes.

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